So it really has been just over a week since I arrived in Aberystwyth, It has gone so quick but at the same time I have done so much it feels like longer.

The journey was a long one, I left my house at 10:30 am on Tuesday, September 19th and 2 flights later I arrived at Birmingham Airport at 7:00 am Wednesday, September 20th (We are 5 hours ahead of home). I am lucky enough to be able to travel with two other girls from Purdue, Jennifer and Alexis Scheidt (actually, ironically enough we are all from Columbus too). The university organized a meet and greet at the airport, so we got on a bus with about 15 other international students that were all studying at Aber university. There were students from all over Europe, the US and as far away as Maylasia and Thailand. It is great to see such a diverse group of people all meeting in one place. The bus ride was about 3 hours to get to the university, and once we were within about an hour of Aber the scenery was stunning.
I was surprised by the landscape around Aber, I would describe it as almost mountainous and this is the best way I can describe it. Picture this: The Great Smokey Mountains, but replace half the trees with green pastures dotted with cows and sheep; now put this right against the sea and you have the west coast of Wales. Everything is so green, people say that Ireland is green, but they must have never been to Wales. I could have driven around all day, except I was tired and so ready to see where I would be living for the next four months!
We wove our way through the mountains and valleys and as we came over the last hill, there sat the cutest little seaside town that you could imagine. The bus dropped us off right at our accommodation, and I can't believe where I get to live. I am one of the lucky ones that lives in Sea Front, my house is literally right on the ocean and I still can't get over it. I live on the third floor of this house and I live with 3 other girls. I have my own room and we all share a kitchen and a bathroom. I live with Sarah from Denmark, Kamara from Australia, and Kaya from The Netherlands. It is really awesome that we are all from different cultures and we get along so well, we have become great friends! I live just a couple minutes from the city center and have easy access to all the restaurants, pubs and stores! I am convinced that in all the world there is no better University housing, every night I walk home along the ocean to the sound of crashing waves.
This is the view out our Kitchen window |
The view out of my bedroom |
See the pink circle? I live in that building |
My address
You know, just incase someone gets the urge to send me something ;)
This first week has been freshers week, which is pretty much just a welcome week. All the students are here and everyone registered for class and there have been different events and meetings to attend. Registration was not the easiest for me but 3 days later and we got it all figured out. It was a little more complicated for me since I am finishing my degree while I am here, I have to pick specific classes and get approval from 3 people at Purdue that this will finish my degree and that I am on track for graduation in December (we figured it out and I am good to go)! I am only taking 3 classes and have only 6 hours of classes a week with no class on Wednesday or Friday. My dad keeps saying "Are you on vacation or are you going to school?" turns out, pretty much both. I don't think classes will be too challenging so I am very excited for this last semester of college.
Our first adventure of this trip was taking the rail car to the top of the mountain just on the edge of town. We got in this old rail car and slowly climbed our way to the top, Let me just say: Trip to Aber: $1500, Rail car to the top $3, the view: Priceless. It was STUNNING. We could see for miles and I swear I could have stayed up there for days. It was the nicest day we'd had and is definitely on our list to do again before we leave.
The whole town of Aber |
My flat mate Sarah from Denmark in the Brown hat
My flat mate Kamara from Australia in the green jacket
The Scheidt twins (I think you can figure it out🙂)
This first week and a half has been full of going out, meeting new people and trying new things. I have met some amazing people, made great friends and already joined some clubs. We are planning our first big trip, so stay tuned to hear about my next adventure!
➹“To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.” – Bill Bryson➷